Life can be complex to navigate without a clear compass to guide our decisions. With so many variables to consider, we can get bogged down in the details and miss the deeper meaning of the moment as well as the opportunities for growth.

That's why developing our ability to access higher evolutionary guidance is so valuable. When you can tap the intelligence of Spirit and the wisdom of a larger field, you can navigate your path with more grace, ease, and intelligence.

Shamans have developed a remarkable array of practices to access this high-level guidance for the purpose of personal and collective healing.

This Saturday, I'm excited to share with you on this important subject. We bring alive powerful Peruvian shamanic wisdom, but in a more universal context that draws from our extensive training in transpersonal psychology.

The call is free and you can register here: Shamanic Tools for Evolutionary Guidance -Accessing Universal Wisdom for Your Healing Path

For millennia, shamans have cultivated ritual tools and techniques for treating the ill, sustaining the spiritual and physical well-being of their tribe, and forming alliances of sacred reciprocity with the natural world. The foundation of all this work is being able to access higher levels of information.

These practices and skills are no longer reserved solely for long-term apprentices to shamanism. With the right guidance, they're potentially available to all of us, and on Saturday's call Oscar will reveal some of the aspects of this powerful evolutionary path.

Join us to discover:
  • How the shamanic art of "Magical Flight" known as Ensueño allows you to extend your consciousness beyond the boundaries of time and space and merge with a larger Reality
  • A basic approach to reading and tracking Mother Nature's patterns as auspicious harbingers of personal change and growth
  • Three ritual uses of common table salt for psychic protection, energetic cleansing, and dispelling lower astral influences
Register here and if you cannot attend live you'll have access to an encore and recording: 
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Shamanic Tools for Evolutionary Guidance -Accessing Universal Wisdom for Your Healing Path