Ascended Masters Jeshua and Mother Mary:
"Shift out of the limited confines of your ego’s self-perpetuating stories of failure and limitation, and a whole new world joyously awaits you playing an active role in establishing new ways of being that will inspire humanity to live as supportive, cooperative, non-competitive individuals within their homes, their businesses and their communities.  These new ways of living will become the foundations for initiating models to establish unity, peace and freedom around the world.
"When living as your Presence, you are free of the past and all of its limited paradigms and you are automatically released from the fears that can arise from projecting the past and all of its memories into your future. Instead be fully present AS your Presence in each unfolding moment, being fully available to all the creative energies that are pulsing throughout the universe. Then every moment is your opportunity to direct those unlimited forces into whatever you have come to create within your next cycle of being that will bring you and your world true freedom."


Co-Create As Your Presence in Unity Consciousness on the Personal, Local, National and Global Levels 

This retreat is a reunion of souls who know they are here to be part of transforming the world into a new paradigm that honors and supports everyone to live in peace, harmony, prosperity and freedom.
This is a call to action to all participants and teachers of the Ascended Masters Mystery School inviting you to come together for a reunion in Maui. In this glorious gathering, you will be inspired by the Masters so you can lovingly inspire one another to be who you came to be and to do what you came to do on the personal, local, national and global levels.
As enough people become aware of their true inheritance as Divine human beings who have a definite purpose for being on the Earth at this auspicious time, then all of the changes that need to take place around the world will powerfully unfold so humanity can victoriously ascend into Unity Consciousness.
As enough of you accept that you are the Presence of God embodied and you are here to assist in making profound shifts in the world and in the overall consciousness of humanity, a New Earth will unfold with ease and grace. This is why knowing who you are and knowing your purpose in being here at this time is so vital to all of life. 
This reunion will give you an opportunity to practice living in Unity Consciousness with like-minded and like-hearted souls and to co-create with others AS the Presence. You can use all you know and all you have learned in the courses as well as all the mastery you have accrued from your own experiences as your gift to those who will be at this reunion and to those who will be joining us from around the world.
This will include co-creating with your Presence on the spiritual dimensions with the Ascended Masters and taking into account the smallest life forms to the largest. It will include how to co-create in full Unity Consciousness on every level, such as personal dynamics, relationships, business, education, government, media, the arts, architecture, new safe technologies, and new economics.
You will learn how to:
* See behind the curtain of the ego personality self that has been running the show.
* Move beyond what has kept you from embodying your true purpose in life so you can move forward in a big way.
* Identify and transmute any fears of stepping into a larger arena so those fears can then be transformed into strengths that can then assist you in co-creating within a Council.
* Learn how to put your strengths into your service.
* Identify and walk into what you have come to do.
* See only the Presence in every action and every life form and every exchange.
* Be the Presence of God in physical human form.
* Attract only the Presence in everything and everyone so life becomes joyous.

* How to bring the Presence of God into all your creations on every level—personal, local, national and internationally.